Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Premature Illumination

First sighting of outdoor lights on a tree: Tuesday night, November 13. One week and two days prior to Thanksgiving. Spotted across the street from the house of the guy who really won the last presidential election and is married to a woman whose name rhymes with Flipper. Definitely an amateur job, which is unusual in those parts.


Anonymous said...

I saw a Christmas wreath on a door today. I thought about stopping and scolding, but, didn't.

Anonymous said...

The trees were lit up at Centennial Park last nite. I'm going to start voting for council members on a "no Christmas lights before Thanksgiving" platform.

Busy Mom said...

Indeed, profesional decorating is de rigeur in those parts. What were they thinking?

I may have to stop by and see it.

Anonymous said...

Even those who did not take down their Chrismas lights from last year know better than to plug them in before Thanksgiving!

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Rex Hammock said...

About October 25, I saw a giant outdoor tree lit on Jackson Blvd. in Belle Meade. However, the home owner (a friend of mine) keeps the tree strung with lights year round and just turns them on this time of year. I think they may have been turned on by mistake -- or, who knows, a photo shoot or something.

Anne said...

Pictures would be so awesome! Particularly of the most awfully ugly ones.