Monday, December 11, 2006

Holiday Grinch Attends Blogger Gathering

It was fun. It was good to meet people I know but don't know. I found out that three or four people there thought that the Holiday Grinch was CeeElCee, or as I prefer to call him at this time of year, Cee*NoEl*Cee (he sparked the idea with that damned button). Well, I need to thank him because I think many of his friends started reading this blog thinking it was his. Otherwise the Holiday Grinch might be as dead as Main Street USA in any small town after 10:00 PM.
I met lots of people and I hate to name them for fear of omitting and/or forgetting anyone (anyway, Sarcastro beat me to it).
I do feel like I have a new Sista, and I may want to broker Kathy T's book. Linda has a babe with great taste in women. Dr. Funkenswine is a really nice guy. I'd be happy to spend hours talking journalism and publishing with Brittney and Rex. I talked with our future mayor and John H. I also met a really nice couple who happen to be my neighbors. Ginger is saucy and Ivy IS Bad (in a good way). I also learned of the inspiration for the Harelip Frog. I avoided a conversation on Apocalypto, but ran smack into one on labia majora. I talked kindergarden with Lisa and acoustic neuromas with Nick. I drank a few beers. I wish Busy Mom and Newscoma were there.


Ginger said...

You did a fantastic job remembering names! I want to apologize for never really getting to converse with you the other night. We smiled a lot at each other, but never quite got to really talk. We will definitely have to remedy that next time! :)

Did you see the great shot of you on my blog? Great smile!

Titusina Andronica said...

Haha, Ginger never got the chance to chat with you and neither did I! Dangit, I am mad I missed the chance. Next time there'll be name tags!!

Anonymous said...

It was good to meet you, Grinch! I think Kerry Woo and Dr. Funkenswine did a great job getting everything together, but yes, name tags would have been helpful.

Holiday Grinch said...

Thanks blogrrrls, we'll chat more next time!

Jamie said...

Sounds like you had a great time. Nice to meet you!

Holiday Grinch said...

Crap, Jag! I friggin' left you out even though we talked about the friggin' pudding and everything. It was good to meet you too.

Busy Mom said...

I wish I had been there, too! Next time, though!

Newscoma said...

I wish I'd been there too, HG.
This bash remains in infamy. I liked the song Ivy and CLC sang to me on YouTube though filmed by the Sista.